
Reasons Why Text Translations Can Get Ruined

Sometimes despite the best efforts of Rosetta Stone Store a professional language translation company, there are errors in the final printed version of a text translation. The incorrect changes may be made anywhere along the way after the ideal translation is completed, and is often done by well-meaning people working for the client, or simply by accident. This phenomenon can happen with any language, from an English to French text translation to a Spanish translation into English. Here are a few reasons why the most accurate translations can be ruined before they ever reach their intended audience.Regional DialectSometimes during the client's proofreading process, a reviewer can make regional dialect changes so that the text reads as if it were written in their local area. While this may make the person reviewing it feel more at home, it prevents the client from reaching the audience it was hoping to target.FormatOnce a project has been completed and approved by the client, it may be printed in a publication. Since texts in Rosetta Stone Arabic foreign languages are often reformatted to fit into spaces originally designed for English text, the area may be too large or too small for the finished product. In some cases, portions of the piece may be accidentally cut off. When no one proofreads the final version before printing, the text may end in the middle of a sentence in the final publication. Editing ErrorsSome errors are created by a reviewer selected by the client who was supposed to prevent them. From time to time, a client's reviewer may decide to add in edits reminiscent of something they may have learned once upon a time in high school during a foreign language class. Rather than relying on the expertise of the professional language translator who prepared the project, the reviewer may decide to "help" by changing the spelling, hyphenation and word order. This, in fact, may make the sentence sound like an English sentence in disguise, or in the worst cases, change the meaning and make it totally incorrect instead. Other times, the person editing the text may decide to add or subtract certain items from the text to suit their own personal opinion, despite the fact that their Rosetta Stone Chinese (Mandarin) company neither requested nor approved the changes to the underlying source English text. OverzealousnessOn occasion, a person reviewing the translations in their completed form may decide that they do not like a few words or sentences. Rather than asking to have them changed, the individual may become overzealous and request that the entire piece be redone. This may happen despite the fact that they do not really have a problem with anything else in the translation.

