
Swimming Lessons - Family

I was recently at a meeting with a group of mums and the subject of swimming lessons came up in conversation. One of the mums suddenly went into melt down about the stress of taking her children to swimming lessons. She said that on swimming day they have to rush from school to the lesson, rush to get changed. She then has to sit and watch the lesson in a boiling hot room; the children get out of the pool after their lesson and immediately complain they are cold, so they need their kids towels. Then they have the saga of showering, hair washing, and kids not being keen on showers, soap and water in their eyes. Then there is trying to get dry and dressed in a small cubicle. Then drying wet hair, meanwhile she is getting hotter and hotter. You finally get out and the children are tired and hungry which quite often means arguments on the way home.She said she thinks it must be one of the most dreaded activities for mums, she said she wished there was a product that made it easier and reduced some of the stress.I haven't ever taken my children to Men's Chilliwack Bomber swimming lessons but we have taken them swimming regularly since they born and it can be very stressful. I have also heard my friends talking about swimming lessons and it is almost never talked about in a positive light.The company I was working for had already designed a beach wrap which is a sort of kids towel and we suddenly realised that this products was not only great for the beach but also for swimming lessons and bath time.One of the things that made it so ideal for swimming lessons is that you put it on like a coat; it has a hood and does up with poppers. This means you can get it on the child as soon as they get out of the pool and they are properly covered so they keep warm. It can't fall off them and the pocket at the front is great for storing goggles and swimming hats, all the fiddly things that can be easily lost.Kids towels are so widely available, but we haven't found one as yet, that does quite the same job, so this is a really new idea. Everyone I have spoken to agrees that this goes some way to ease some of the stresses of swimming lessons, of course it doesn't solve every problem but we continue to look for other products and ideas that might help to improve the experience even more in the future. If you are browsing for products for swimming, take a look at the kids towels that are like beach wraps and see if you think it might make swimming easier, of course you can use it for bath time as well so you should get plenty of use out of it.

