
Femininity Is Opposite Of Subordination In Platform Shoes!

You'll be Feel 'n Fly wearing our naughty purrific moncler mabel jacket red platform shoes and lucious lingerie.You have heard many times of the duped woman; the woman who couldn't see beyond the masculine illusion. Why is it you put yourself in that position. Why aren't you taking control?Yes, take control and get what you want, but what do you want?Undecided? or Frightened? Well, dare to make yourself happy. Maybe you can start by writing down what you don't want with an arrow stating the opposite and make eight to ten statements, with the corresponding opposites. Now make a complete statement of the opposites, starting with "I love men who xxxxx or I love jobs that offer .... etc. You'll know if you're on the right track, if your dominant feeling is positive. Any slight feeling of negativity means you have not been honest with yourself. When you say yes to something, you attract more of that into your life. In other words, be more consciously selective about where you choose to focus your attention, rather than going into resistance about something you don't want or don't agree with. Focus on the positive - what you want, rather than the negative - what you don't want.?Now that you know what you're looking for in a partner or job, let's work on you. . . . Some attraction tips!?1) Act - never argue. It is much more powerful to get others to agree with you through your actions, without saying a word.2) Always avoid unhappy and unlucky people and avoid complainers.3) Used selectively, blatant gestures of honesty and generosity bring down the guard of even the most suspicious people.4) If you ever have to ask for help, appeal to moncler mabel jacket purple people's self interest, never to their mercy or gratitude.5) Use absence to increase respect and honor through mystery. When he calls, let your voice mail pick up now and then. Avoid giving him your cell-phone number so he doesn’t have access to you anytime, anyplace. The waiting game lets you test his willingness to pursue. You can separate the guys who just want you on a whim from the men who'll put in the extra effort. 6) Cultivate an air of unpredictability. Know the person - pose as a friend, work as a spy.7) Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you. Incorporate dynamic mannerisms into your public gestures and actions - your power will be enhanced and your character will seem larger than life.8) Maintain a spotless appearance and Enter action with Boldness. Everyone admires the bold; no one honors the timid. Make your accomplishments seem effortless. Control the options: Get others to play YOUR GAME. moncler mabel jacket purple Never seem to be in a hurry - hurrying implies a lack of control over yourself, and over time. Always seem patient, as if you know that everything will come to you eventually. Despise the free lunch - nothing about you is free.9) Radiate love by being compassionate and understanding - but don't become a doormat. Dare to give love and it will come back to you. You've heard you shouldn't toy with men. Forget it. Dating is a sport, and these sexy little tricks and covert love maneuvers are all within the rules. Games are the way we keep romance alive. And wearing Platform Shoes and Lingerie play a great part in creating the illusion. Women . . .

